Photo from www.creativehuddle.co.uk |
Apologies in advance, my friends
If I'll be raising up a lot of questions and problems
I've been troubled by them last night while in bed
And I also want to know the thoughts in your head
How do we remain creative in times like these
When greater concepts and ideas
Are only at arm's reach?
How do we develop an entirely new thing
When all's been recycled, rehashed and repeated
Can we just add to it a bling?
How can we draw the line
Between your idea and mine?
How do we determine originality from mimicry?
When everything is as easy as Ctrl + C.
Is there anything else yet to be done
When the wisest King had said -
There is nothing new under the sun?
Can we really create something new?
When ours is a generation
Of something borrowed,
Ripped off and glued?
I see parents encourage their kids
They give them crayons, canvass and paints
They tell them to create something nice
To let their imagination run wild
But when they grow up, a dilemma arises
"Mommy, Daddy, I want to be an artist!"
Oh sweetie, can you think first before you do this?
What about being a doctor, an architect or a lawyer?
A dentist, an engineer or a banker maybe?
I think an artist will only earn nuts from peas!"
From what I'm reading it's great to be creative
But make sure what you do becomes lucrative. :-(
Hang on a minute, a bird just whispered in my ear
If there is nothing new under the sun
Then should we stop looking for ideas here?
If what we can think of under the sun has already been done
Then should we look above and beyond?
Human wisdom is limited and what we'll conceive - others have seen before
So shall we step out of ourselves and knock on Heaven's door?
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
- Albert Einstein, 1879-1955